Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2023032709433092
Autor:Dudek Mieczyslaw (25%)
Autor:Dolinská Eva (25%)
Autor:Klein Vladimír (25%)
Autor:Šilonová Viera (25%)
Názov:The impact of family environment on children's anxiety level
Zdroj:Specialusis Ugdymas = Special Education [print, elektronický dokument]
Lokácia:Roč. 1, č. 38 (2018), s. 207-221
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Ohlas:[1] 2019. BIBIK, N.M., ZBOROVA, I.Y., MARUSYNETS, M.M. Personality sense transformation of the professional activity of practical psychologists with different behavior strategies. In Asia life sciences, ISSN 0117-3375. 2019, č. 2, s. 59-75. SCOPUS.
Ohlas:[1] 2019. GERBALI, O.Y., GUMENYUK, L.N., SARCHUK, E.V. et al. The concept of "fast track surgery" as an influencer on the dynamics of components of stress-realizing and stress-limiting systems in the perioperative period. In Journal of intellectual disability - Dignosis and treatment, ISSN 2292-2598. 2019, roč. 7, č. 4, s. 220-226. SCOPUS.
Ohlas:[1] 2019. YERMILOVA, V.V., MURTAZINA, G.H. Outreach of sustainable development principles in physical culture and sports. In Asia life sciences, ISSN 0117-3375. 2019, č. 1, s. 139-157. SCOPUS.
Ohlas:[1] 2019. PIDDUBNYI, O.Y., PIDDUBNA, D.S., HORISLAVSKA, I.V. et al. Interaction of psychology and ecological-legal personality on the way of formation of normative-legal regulation in the 21st century. In Asia life sciences, ISSN 0117-3375. 2019, č. 1, s. 287-302. SCOPUS.
Ohlas:[1] 2023. ŠROBÁROVÁ, S., BURSOVÁ, J. Analysis of crisis intervention of helping professionals in time of war conflict. In AD ALTA : journal of interdisciplinary research, ISSN 1804-7890. 2023, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 252-256. WOS:001027245000043.