Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2011110512195456
Autor:Hromada Martin (25%)
Autor:Dudinák Vladimír (25%)
Autor:Yosef Reuven (25%)
Autor:Dudinák Vladimír (25%)
Názov:An inside-out perspective of the true shrike - a review of the helminthofauna
Zdroj:The Ring
Lokácia:Vol. 22, no. 1 (2000), s. 185-204
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Ohlas:[3] 2014. AWAD, S., RZAD, I. Jericho (Palestine) spring 2014 ornithological and parasitological research results. In The Ring [online], ISSN 0035-5429. 2014 [cit. 2015-08-04], vol. 36, no. 1, s. 43. Dostupný na internete <http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ring.2014.36.issue-1/ring-2014-0003/ring-2014-0003.xml?format=INT>