Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2007080714040153
Autor:Balogová Beáta (100%)
Názov:Moral aspect of solidarity towards the socially handicapped in the spectre of social work [print]
Zdroj:Morality of the past from the present perspective picture of morality in Slovakia in the first half of the twentieth century [print]
Vydavateľské údaje:Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007
Lokácia:s. 153-164
Ohlas:[3] 2007. GERMUŠKOVÁ, Marta. Morality of the past from the present perspective picture of morality in Slovakia in the first half of the twentieth century. In Parerga : miedzynarodowe studia filozoficzne. 2007, no. 3, s. 218.
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