Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2013110811475790
Autor:Torma Stanislav (30%)
Autor:Fazekašová Danica (40%)
Autor:Lisnyak Anatolij (30%)
Názov:Ecological agriculture and its influence on agrochemical soil properties on agricultural farm "Liptovska Teplicka"
Zdroj:Ľudyna ta dovkilľa. Problemy neoekolohiji
Lokácia:no. 1-2 (2013), s. 134-139
Ohlas:[1] 2014. ADAMIŠIN, P., VAVREK, R. et al. Sustainability analysis of selected eastern European and South-East European countries via parameter of complex sustainability assessment Qi . In SGEM 2014. International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference Surveying Geology and mining ecology management, ISSN 1314-2704. 2014, vol. 3, no. 5, s. 399-405.
Ohlas:[1] 2015. ADAMIŠIN, P., VAVREK, R., PUKALA, R. et al. Cluster analysis of Central and Southeast Europe via selected indicators of sustainable development. In SGEM 2015. International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference Surveying Geology and mining ecology managemen, ISSN 1314-2704. 2015, vol. 3, no. 5, s. 135-140.