Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2012030510435280
Autor:Štefko Róbert (34%)
Autor:Gburová Jaroslava (33%)
Autor:Jurková Jana (33%)
Názov:Some aspects of pricing strategies in marketing of the branches of chain stores in Slovak republic
Zdroj:Global trends in finance [elektronický zdroj] : 1st international on-line conference
Vydavateľské údaje:[S.l.] : ASERS Publishing, 2011
Lokácia:S. 82-88
Ohlas:[4] 2011. HREHOVÁ, D., TEPLICKÁ, K. Pricing strategies and the influenc of price fairness on customer satisfaction. In Euro, prices and price perception in Slovak republic during the global financial crisis : research papers from the grant VEGA No. 1/0876/10 "Research of sellers marketing price strategies in Slovak republic and perception of euro value and inflation in Slovak republic during the world financial crisis in various social classes" [CD-ROM]. Prešov : Department of marketing and international trade, Faculty of management, University of Prešov in Prešov, 2011. ISBN 978-80-555-0496-4.