Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2010102716520548
Autor:Štrbík V. (20%)
Autor:Španková M. (20%)
Autor:Reiffers Marián (20%)
Autor:Kováč J. (20%)
Autor:Beňačka Š. (20%)
Názov:Transport and magnetic properties of epitaxial LSMO thin film grown on MgO single-crystal substrates
Zdroj:Journal of physics: Conference series 223 [elektronický zdroj]
Lokácia:Vol. 223, art. no. 062601 (2010), [3] s.
Ohlas:[1] 2012. MATEEV, E., BLAGOEV, B., NURGALIEV, T. Impedance measurements of epitaxial and polycrystalline LSMO thin films. In Journal of physics : conference series, ISSN 1742-6588. 2012, vol. 356, no. 1.