Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.2007102711254021
Autor:Šalamon Ivan (10%)
Autor:Kráľová Katarína (45%)
Autor:Masarovičová Elena (45%)
Názov:Accumulation of cadmium in chamomile plants cultivated in eastern Slovakia regions
Zdroj:Acta horticulturae
Lokácia:No. 749. - Leuven : International Society for Horticultural Science, (2007), s. 217-222
Ohlas:[1] 2011. BACZEK-KWINTA, R., KOZIEL, A., SEIDLER-LOZYKOWSKA, K. Are the fluorescence parameters of German chamomile leaves the first indicators of the anthodia yield in drought conditions?. In Photosynthetica, ISSN 0300-3604. 2011, vol. 49, no. 1, s. 87-97.