Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.016848
Autor:Šúri Marcel (50%)
Autor:Hofierka Jaroslav (50%)
Názov:A new GIS-based solar radiation model and its application to photovoltaic assessments
Zdroj:Transactions in GIS
Lokácia:Vol. 8, issue 2 (2004), s. 175-190
Ohlas:[3] 2006. CARRERA-HERNÁNDEZ, J.J., GASKIN, S.J. The groundwater modeling tool for GRASS (GMTG): open source groundwater flow modeling. In Computers & Geosciences. 2006, vol. 32, s. 351.
Ohlas:[1] 2008. ROMERO, L.F. et al. Fast clear-sky solar irradiation computation for very large digital elevation models. In Computer physics communications. 2008, vol. 178, no. 11, s. 808.