Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:453747
Autor:Hečková Jaroslava (25%)
Autor:Kolesárová Stela (25%)
Autor:Chapčáková Alexandra (25%)
Autor:Ratnayake Kaščáková Dagmara (25%)
Názov:Research of comparative advantages in the context of determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the European area [print, elektronický dokument]
Zdroj:Montenegrin Journal of Economics [print, elektronický dokument]
Lokácia:Roč. 17, č. 4. - Podgorica, (2021), s. 181-188
ISSN:1800-5845. - ISSN 1800-6698
Ohlas:[1] 2022. LIU, Y.C., YIN, Z.Y., LIU, L. Assessment of uncertainty of monetary policy and misallocation of financial resources. In Transformations in business and economics, ISSN 1648-4460. 2022, roč. 21, č. 3, s. 270-287. SCOPUS;WOS:000890945200015.
Ohlas:[1] 2022. JIANG, Y., CHENG, B., HAN, C. Impact of content marketing on consumer loyalty on cross-border e-commerce import platforms. In Transformations in business and economic, ISSN 1648-4460. 2022, roč. 21, č. 3, s. 151-167. SCOPUS;WOS:000890945200009.
Ohlas:[1] 2022. ULEWICZ, R., CZERWIńSKA, K., SIWIEC, D. et al. Analysis of the systemic approach to the concept of lean manufacturing – results of empirical research. In Polish journal of management studies, ISSN 2081-7452. 2022, roč. 25, č. 2, s. 375-395. SCOPUS.
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