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ID záznamu:69317
Autor:Budiman Arief (20%)
Autor:Frankovský Miroslav (20%)
Autor:Birknerová Zuzana (20%)
Autor:Benková Eva (20%)
Autor:Rajiani Ismi (20%)
Názov:Identification of attributes of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) structure with the focus on communication and techniques of its implementation in managerial work [elektronický dokument]
Zdroj:Polish Journal of Management Studies [print, elektronický dokument]
Lokácia:Roč. 17, č. 2. - Czestochowa, (2018), s. 41-49
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Ohlas:[3] 2020. AMIRNUDDIN, Puteri, TURNER, Jason. Learning law using augmented reality and neuro-linguistic programming. In Pradeep Kumar, Michael Keppell, Chee Lim: Preparing 21st century teachers for teach less, learn more (TLLM) pedagogies : print, elektronický dokument. 1. vyd. USA : IGI Global, 2020, s. 259-278. ISBN 978-17-99814-35-1; 978-17-99814-37-5.
Ohlas:[4] 2020. UHER, Ivan, ŠVEDOVÁ, Milena. Neuromarketing v modernej spoločnosti. In Marketing science and inspirations : print, elektronický dokument, ISSN 1338-7944. Bratislava, 2020, Roč. 15, č. 4, s. 38-45.
Ohlas:[3] 2021. PRATIKWO, Suryo, BAEQUNY, Ahmad, SUDIRMAN et al. The effectiveness of educational intervention package on adaptation response and quality of life for post stroke patients. In International Journal of Education and Social Science : print, ISSN 2410-5171; 2415-1246. Dhaka, 2021, Roč. 4, č. 6, s. 10-22. Dostupný na internete <https://www.ijhes.com/index.php/ijhes/article/view/156>
Ohlas:[3] 2022. THORIQUTTYTYAS, T., FAIZIN, N., AHSIN, N. Implementing neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as teaching innovation for islamic religious education (IRE): a study on student’s perception. In Proceedings of the International conference on language, education, and social science (ICLESS 2022) [online]. Dordrecht : Atlantis Press, 2022 [cit. 2023-11-20], s. 153. ISBN 978-2-494069-15-2. Dostupný na internete <https://www.atlantis-press.com/article/125976776.pdf>
Ohlas:[3] 2023. THORIQUTTYAS, T., AHSIN, N., FAIZIN, N. et al. Bridging the Un-Bridged yet: the learning innovation through neuro linguistic programming (NLP) for Islamic religious education in higher education. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on learning innovation and quality education (ICLIQE 2022) : volume 767 [online], ISSN 2731-8060. Paríž : Atlantis Press S.A.R.L., 2023 [cit. 2023-12-19], s. 1084. ISBN 978-2-38476-113-5. Dostupný na internete <https://books.google.sk/books?id=qTnnEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1077&lpg=PA1077&dq=doi+10.2991/978-2-38476-114-2_99&source=bl&ots=IqhuGq8soC&sig=ACfU3U14F1nU8il6C_3h2xymXa1PpRmaOg&hl=sk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF6fOpx5uDAxVbgv0HHWhKBD0Q6AF6BAgIEAM#v=onepage&q=doi%2010.2991%2F978-2-38476-114-2_99&f=false>
Ohlas:[1] 2022. CINAR, H.G., BAYKAL, U. Determining the effect of neuro-linguistic programming techniques on the conflict management and interpersonal problem-solving skills of nurse managers: a mixed methods study. In Journal of nurisng management, ISSN 0966-0429. 2022, roč. 30, č. 1, s. 104-134. WOS:000715590200001; SCOPUS.
Ohlas:[1] 2022. CETIN, Y., YAYAN, E.H. The effect of Neurolinguistic Programming practices on organizational citizenship behaviour of nurses: a randomized controlled study. In Journal of nursing management, ISSN 0966-0429. 2022, roč. 30, č. 2, s. 559-569. WOS:000729628400001; SCOPUS.
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