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ID záznamu:192828
Autor:Magdová Monika (50%)
Autor:Bozogáňová Miroslava (25%)
Autor:Berinšterová Marianna (25%)
Názov:The factors supporting the Slovak teachers' turnover according the type of school [print]
Zdroj:Psychological Applications and Trends 2020 [print, elektronický dokument]
Vydavateľské údaje:Lisabon : InScience Press, 2020
Lokácia:s. 142-146
Ohlas:[3] 2020. ĎURKOVSKÁ, Mária, KALISTOVÁ, Anna. Teachers' proffesion and status perceived by Slovak teachers in Hungary. In Ivana Piterová, Denisa Fedáková, Jozef Výrost, Matúš Adamkovič, Katarína Baňasová, Jozef Bavoľár, Miroslava Bozogáňová: Psychológia práce a organizácie 2020 : elektronický dokument. 1. vyd. Košice : Spoločenskovedný ústav, 2020, s. 25-37. ISBN 978-80-89524-51-8.
Ohlas:[1] 2021. HELDÁKOVÁ, Lucia, ĎURKOVSKÁ, Mária. Socio-demographic factors and the level of teachers' motivation in Slovak national schools in Hungary. In Integration of Education : print, elektronický dokument, ISSN 1991-9468; 2308-1058. Saransk, 2021, Roč. 25, č. 3, s. 387-400.
Ohlas:[1] 2022. RADUCU, C.M., STANCULESCU, E. Teachers' burnout risk during the covid-19 pandemic: relationships with socio-contextual stress - a latent profile analysis. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, ISSN 1664-0640. 2022, roč. 13, art. no. 870098. SCOPUS;WOS:000795589000001.
Ohlas:[1] 2023. HADUSH, A.Z., KATHERIYAR, M.S.R.M. Effect of teachers’ gender, poor income, and poor working condition on teacher turnover intention and its impact in Saharti District, Tigray, Ethiopia. In Social sciences and humanities open, ISSN 2590-2911. 2023, roč. 8, č. 1, art. no. 100576. SCOPUS.
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