Katalóg evidencie publikačnej činnosti PU

ID záznamu:PU.Prešov.003384
Autor:Mamrilla Dušan (50%)
Autor:Macura Dušan (50%)
Názov:Asymptotic and oscillatory properties of solutions some quasilinear differential systems
Zdroj:Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation, Prešov, September 4-5, 1997
Vydavateľské údaje:Prešov : [s.n.], 1997
Lokácia:S. 197-202
Ohlas:[4] 1998. MACURA, Dušan et al. On boundedness and oscillatoricity of solutions of non-linear differential systems. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Mathematics. Žilina : University of Žilina, 1998, s. 160.
Ohlas:[4] 1999. MACURA, D., MACUROVÁ, A. On boundedness and oscillatoricity of solutions of non-linear differential systems. In Numerické a grafické metódy riešenia úloh matematickej analýzy a ich aplikácie. Košice : INFORMATECH, 1999, s. 34.
Ohlas:[4] 2000. MACURA, Dušan et al. About solutions of the system of linear differential equations with special matrix. In XII. DIDMATTECH '99. Nitra : Pedagogická fakulta UKF, 2000, s. 296.
Ohlas:[4] 2001. HAŠČÁK, A., PIRČ, V. Boundedness of the solution of the perturbend linear system of differential equations. In Studies of University in Žilina. Mathematical – physical series. 2001, roč. 13, s. 94.